January 29

Oedipus Rex and Antigone

Both Antigone and Oedipus Rex have central themes that are still relevant today. For Oedipus, it is the search to find who you truly are despite the consequences–if you are thinking collective unconscious, you are right Dear Watson–while Antigone, questions of loyalty and standing up for what you believe are central issues. What issues and central themes did you notice upon the completion of your play? Feel free to comment on the ones I mentioned…or see if you can find other core, relevant themes that I failed to mention. Please post by 8:00 pm on 2/6/13. Make sure you refer to the rubric I distributed in class so that you are clear on my expectations. Also feel free to peruse older posts; you may glean some insights from those old posts. Please make sure you proofread closely before you click post!

January 19

OR Final Discussion

We will have a Socratic Seminar next week. We are going to have some practice discussion here. Feel free to respond to the below questions. You may also pose questions (not simple plot based questions) or thoughtful ponderings here as well.

1) Many of us adhere to the belief that if we work hard and put forth a good effort we will be rewarded. How does the outcome of Oedipus Rex contradict or support that? You may want to rethink the word “reward” for this one.  2) How is Oedipus like an archetypal hero? To what extent is like or unlike a modern day hero? What fine distinctions can you draw between our modern day heroes (Superman, Spiderman, Hancock) and Oedipus Rex? 3) Remember when I told you the archetypal hero was “dumb”–clueless to the collective unconscious—in what ways is Oedipus totally unaware of his self and his true identity? 4) Normally, when I teach this play we go through the ways that Oedipus is like a detective and how the clues he seeks are the clues to his life,  trace how this happens in the play.  Why do you think it takes Oedipus so long to put these clues together–he’s no dumbie, so why the drawn out process?

Please respond by Friday, 1/22/10 at 3:30 p.m.  Remember, grammar, punctuation, and spelling always count. Be clear, concise and insightful. Use examples from the play to PROVE your points.

January 16

Question “Reality” TV

This week I admit I did succumb to watching Jersey Shore—okay and I watched Real World Washington, D.C. and Frank the Entertainer A Basement Affair-–shh!, and although, I find these shows entertaining (acutually I find them absolutely hillarious), I also realize that reality TV  programming is alarming and, truthfully indicative of a much larger trend. However, much like a lone swimmer in the ocean, the cultural currents we are swimming in are not always evident (‘course, if you are on the shore or in a helicopter, you can easily see the ocean and it’s encompassing patterns). So here’s what I want you to respond to, feel free to nuance, refute or support any of what I pose here.

What larger lesson can we glean from the meglomania and absurdity of reality TV?

Need help coming up with a lesson….here are some ideas: Is it that it is human nature for us to “enjoy” watching a train wreck and if so why has reality tv proliferated in the past eight years and not before? Could it be that our society accepts impropriety as entertainment? Are we just fascinated with voyeurism? Perhaps it is the idea that we are all “stars” in our own “reality;” thus we unconsciously identify with the “stars” of these “reality” shows (for further evidence of this check your Facebook or myspace–who is the “star” of this site?).  If this is your take on the trend, make sure you define “star” and “reality.”  Perhaps since reality tv is actually scripted (see me if you want more info. on this) you could argue that “reality” tv presents a “reality” that is stereotypical and full of social and cultural stereotypes that are 1) simple to understand, 2)  easy to digest, and 3) basically set up so that the populace with the least intelligence (and most intolerance) can process it, which thus serves to further “dumb” down our nation,while simultaneously reinforcing social stereotypes and in return offering a certain amount of comfort (“Yes, your sterotypical notions are indeed right”)  to the audience. (OUCH! Vitriolic, I know!)

OR maybe there is nothing to our reality tv obsession, it is a fad, like any other fad, and it will fade into random obscurity only to be showcased twenty years from now in a V-H1 countdown show. There is a larger lesson to be learned, whatever you argue, back it up with a clear example that supports your ideas.

One thing you may want to do is  check the TV listings to see how much Reality TV dominates our viewing. Please respond before Friday, 1/22/2010 by 3:30 pm. Remember grammar, spelling,  punctuation counts–so proof before you post. Be clear, use solid examples to prove your point and be concise.  This is a dialogue so check back and read others’ responses and feel free to post multiple times.