November 30

Star Wars Mythology Video

Please respond to this post by Monday Dec. 7, 2009 by 11:00 p.m. It would be great if you checked this post multiple times and responded more to others after your initial post. You may respond to any of the prompts or you can add any insightful comment or observation that made as well.

Here are some of your choices: 1) Moyers says to Lucas that the conflict between Darth Vader and Luke is reminiscent of Lucas and his dad–does this seem true (based on what Lucas said about his dad and the idea that kid should redeem their parents)? What would Karl Jung say about this moment (the moment when Luke confronts Darth Vader and Darth Vader begins to turn away from the dark side)? 2) Lucas says that some stories need to told again and again? To what stories is he referring? Hint: he says that the “hero has to find his place and figure out where he belongs”? Is it true that some stories need to be told again and again? Why?3) Do our heroes need to be complex since our modern lives are much more complex? Explain and give examples that illustrate your argument for simple heroes or complex heroes. 4) A particularly poignant moment is when Lucas pauses and ponders the evil that humanity is capable of. What do you think about Lucas’  comment that evil and greed fills all of us and we have to find a balance with this? Is this an archetype? If so, which one. 5) Star Wars is the re-telling of old stories. Should we re-tell stories so they are more “modern” and easily understoood? What are the benefits or disadvantages of this? And can or should archetypes evolve? How is Star Wars a product of our culture and our values (vs. the cultural values of someone from the last century)? 6) Why would religious figures be able to easily trace or connect aspects of Star Wars to different religious tales? 7) I love Lucas’ commentary on being a hero everyday and that we make small choices everyday to choose the right path or the wrong path. Comment on this or any other archetypal choice/theme/character that we make or deal with everyday. No, I’m not the shadow guarding Room 101 who you have to daily battle every 5th or 7th bell. Oh! Don’t forget! Grammar, spelling, coherency always counts…so proof before you post!

November 14

Literature Circles First Book Review

A few of you have finished your first novel, for this post I’d like for you to give a review of the first novel you read in lit. circles. If you have finished it, please no spoilers. Not sure how to review  it…say what you liked, comment on the plot, characters, genre (type of book), and/or what kind of person would like this book. You may also mention books that are similar to (or in some cases totally different from) your lit. circle novel. You may mention if you liked/or didn’t and your opinion was different from your lit. circle members.  If you want you can rate it, using the Shuja 6  star rating system…. (6 stars: awesome, you couldn’t put it down and was amazing in every way; 5 stars: excellent, some minor flaws, plot, character development, but excellent read; 4 stars: better than a “school book,” but not something you couldn’t put down; 3 stars: I read it, but didn’t love it, flaws in plot, characters, just OKAY!, a little boring/mediocre, rather predictable; 2 stars: it was gross to read, rather boring, lame characters, lame plot, forced myself to finish; 1 star: YUCK! never read this book, I wasted (insert time..six hours?) of my life reading this vapid and inane novel). Of course, feel free to elaborate on your rating.

Remember, no spoilers! You may post multiple times if you want to respond to a review you concur with or have a dissenting opinion and feel it must be heard.  Please post even if you haven’t finished the novel. Please respond by Friday, November 20, 2009 by 10:30 p.m. This may bear repeating…use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation always. Be concise and practice good writing techniques!