February 20

Facial Recognition Database Dialogue

Depending on where you live in the United States this has already started to happen, but I’ll pose the question for you. Should federal, local and state agencies create facial recognition databases? In some states companies have scanned state driver’s licenses photos to create facial recognition databases and have attempted to sell those databases to federal, local and state police enforcement agencies. What are your thoughts on this? Is this a violation of your privacy or is this a good that promotes safety in our society?

Posted February 20, 2021 by cshuja in category Uncategorized

93 thoughts on “Facial Recognition Database Dialogue

  1. mckenziebien

    Facial recognition databases are powerful tools that, used the right way, can do a lot of good in our society. These databases could help get criminals off the streets, but if this is used improperly it may be a large invasion of privacy. The government must come up with a way were this tool doesn’t infringe upon citizen’s privacy, while still being useful. That will be a difficult task.

    1. mckenziebien

      Also, the federal government should regulate this tool because one should have the same privacy as they do in one state in all of the states. One way they could test this technology would be to start small, and in an area with an immense amount of crime. A trial period could be held, and at the end if the amount of criminals who have been caught has increased then the recognition database has worked.

      1. grantmetcalf

        I agree that if this is used it should have a trial time where it is not immediately implemented everywhere. But what kind of restrictions should be put on these cameras, and how strict should they be?

      2. ericneal

        I agree that it should be used in certain areas and should be regulated, but I do not think that this tool will be used outside of criminal purposes. While regulating criminal activity, there is no way that the cameras will not detect everyone else’s faces while searching for a criminal. I do not think that there is any way to regulate how often the cameras do search but I do like your idea of regulating the search area because that would prevent too much invasion of privacy. But I do think that it would be too expensive to use everywhere because it is not cheap to implement facial ID. Therefor, the government will not attempt to use it when they don’t have probably cause. But I really like your reasoning and I think that you came up with some solid ideas.

    2. victoriaorbegozo

      I agree that a facial recognition database would be a very powerful tool. It must have some sort of regulation, to avoid an invasion of privacy. It would, however, have many benefits when it comes to finding and catching criminals, and it might even dramatically decrease crime rates.

    3. carolinesander

      I agree with both sides of your opinion. I do agree that this is an invasion of privacy to the citizens, and it also could criminals and prevent them from doing worse things in the future.

      1. annaliseborcher

        I agree that facial recognition could help law inforcment catch criminals and potentially decrease crime rates, but it would also be an invasion of privacy. There would have to be regulation on how it is used and cannot be used to invade citizens privacy.

  2. joshuaevanson

    A database of facial recognition could be very useful in catching criminals. It could help more easily find and locate criminals and prevent them from doing any other crime. This is a very powerful tool, and could be used to invade our privacy. The government should be able to use it, but it should be regulated. The government already can easily snoop around in our personal information through the Patriot Act which allowed the government to listen in on our phone calls. This database should be implemented to help stop crime.

    1. emmabarrier

      I do agree that it will help catch criminals and stop some from doing more crime by putting them in jail. But, I don’t think it will completely stop their crime, because once they get out of jail they might still commit crimes again. I think it will help tremendously, just maybe not preventing them for good.

      1. ashvipatelll

        I agree with how you said it won’t completely stop crime. If that was true, crime rates would be a lot lower. Facial recognition should not be considered a huge invasion of privacy as the government can already monitor our phones.

      2. anniebiedenbach

        I agree that facial recognition could help protect the citizens o this country and that there needs to be certain checks on this power to make sure that the government is not abusing this power. However, if this is used correctly it would not be and abuse of power.

      3. christinasimendinger

        I agree with your thinking because I do believe that it will allow law enforcement officers to help catch criminals but it is also could be deemed as in invasion of their privacy nd isn’t guaranteed to keep them out of jail.

      4. christinasimendinger

        I agree with your thinking because I do believe that it will allow law enforcement officers to help catch criminals but not kep them out of jail once they get out.

    2. mckenziebien

      I agree that the facial recognition could help catch criminals, but how would the government regulate this. It does need to be regulated to prevent an invasion of privacy, but how can the government keep a balance of usefulness and privacy?

  3. emmabarrier

    Facial recognition databases could potentially be a very good thing, especially in solving crimes and finding criminals. However, the government could use this to invade citizens privacy so it should be limited or regulated to stop that from happening. But overall this would be a good system to make the United States more safe.

    1. victoriaorbegozo

      I agree that facial recognition databases have the potential of being very beneficial in solving crimes. I also think that this tool should be regulated to some degree, as to not invade the privacy of citizens. I think that having a database with our faces on it wouldn’t be too much of an invasion of citizen’s privacy, as long as there is a proper cause for its use. Facial recognition could give us the ability to find and recognize criminals easily, which is a large benefit.

    2. brookebeischel

      I agree with you that facial recognition databases could be good and bad. It would make our country safer, but could also be an invasion of privacy. Another downside to this would be paying for it. I’m not sure how expensive it would be, but I’d imagine it isn’t cheap.

      1. ashvipatelll

        I agree that this would not be cheap but, if it could help, it would be a smart thing to implement. A few million in exchange for maybe a wanted criminal could solve some problems. I feel like if the facial recognition also included known criminals from other countries, it would also help.

    3. rubybanks

      I agree and think that a facial recognition databases would be extremely useful to solve criminal cases. However, it would be very easily abused by government and could be used to invade the privacy of citizens. I think that the database itself would not invade privacy but if it were to be abused, that would cause issues. I think it is a very smart idea to propose regulations on a facial recognition database to ensure the safety and privacy of citizens.

  4. grantmetcalf

    Facial recognition has the potential to be very dangerous to our nation and our democracy. Sure, it could help catch criminals, but I think there are better alternatives that will not threaten our democracy. The reason I feel like a facial recognition database is dangerous is because of the way they are used in China. The Chinese government uses this database to track people who go to religious services, certain schools, and other places that may speak out against their government. So because the way this idea has been used in other countries, I am very skeptical of it.

    1. jacobpittman

      Your words made me see a side that I was unaware to. However, I think the situation in China is very different from America. We enjoy freedoms that are not permitted in China. I feel that no one is China has a trust for the government, but people of the US have a trust for their government. The identification wouldn’t turn into a prosecution but more so a way to defend against the threat against public safety.

    2. alyssaroark13

      Facial recognition is a powerful thing that could potentially be very dangerous. Seeing how China used it is definitely scary and no we are not like China like Jacob said but he also said that we trust our government. How much do we really trust our government. There has been a decline in trust with the government for a long time and it is actually getting worse. I think that it could be very beneficial in many ways but do we really trust our government?

  5. ericneal

    Facial recognition has the ability to help the citizens of the United States even though it may infringe on out privacy. With facial recognition, the government has the ability to catch more criminals that could pose a threat to the peace of our country. For example, if a criminal just bought a new phone and signed into it using face ID, the government could determine where they are and come to arrest them. However, the government must be careful how they use it. I believe that it would be okay if they had our faces in a database and only use them if and when they have a probable cause. As a matter of fact, the government already has a way to spy on us called the Patriot Act. The Patriot act allows the government to listen to our phone calls to determine the legality of out actions. They created this act because the thought that it would benefit the country. In conclusion, I believe that the benefits of facial recognition far outweigh the cons and we should use it in our society today.

  6. madisonsmith99

    Facial recognition can be a good thing and a bad thing within our society. If enforcement agencies have access to these databases, then this can eliminate crime on the streets. This can help ensure safety within the society, but not eliminate all crimes. Overall, the government should be limited to peoples privacy, but facial recognition could be beneficial to society.

    1. makayla0026

      I agree that it can be a good and bad thing. I like how you said it can eliminate crimes on the streets, but not all, which is true. You can never stop all crimes. I think if the government created and used this process, there has to be some regulations or limits so it does not go out of hand.

      1. mckenziebien

        I agree that this technology needs regulations, but I wonder how the balance of usefulness and privacy can be met. This database must protect the privacy of citizens, but it still has to fulfill it’s purpose.

    2. rubybanks

      I think you made a really good point about how even though the database my infringe on citizens privacy, it would help create a safer society. With being able to limit the and catch more criminals with the facial recognition database there would be less criminals on the streets. It is a give and take situation in the since that citizens would have to give up some of their privacy to take back some of their safety. Overall I think this would be for the greater good of society and citizens.

    3. annaliseborcher

      I agree that facial recognition could be a good thing and a bad thing in our society, it could help law inforcment catch criminals and decrease the overall crime levels, but it could also be used to invade peoples privacy. Facial recognition should have regulations so it is used to ensure safety not invade privacy. I also agree that facial recognition would benefit society as long as it has regulation.

    4. bradycampbell

      I agree that Facial Recognition can be a good and a bad thing. I also like how you mentioned that they should be limited to to peoples privacy, but we should still have Facial Recognition.

  7. makayla0026

    Facial recognition can be used for good and bad. This can be used to ensure safety by catching criminals and solving crimes. Although, it could be taken out of hand and be used to invade citizens privacy. This is because the government already has a lot of access to our phone calls and cameras. The government should be limited to people’s privacy, but this process could be beneficial for the society. To make sure everything goes smooth, we could regulate what the government can see and do.

  8. jacobpittman

    Facial recognition advances provide a mean of identification that conveniences Americans. It places an appeal to law enforcement to protect national security. This should also be an appeal to Americans. Something in the past we have always done is relinquish personal freedoms, such as privacy, to ensure national security. This concept is like the government listening into phone calls. Privacy isn’t a right and more so a privilege. So, relinquishing some privacy, but not all, will be reasonable in order to secure our own safety. Written into our own government is that the government must do everything in their power to defend the citizens of both internal and external threats. The criminals that permeate out society can be identified with ease that protects the citizens of a state. The responsibility of our government, ensuring safety of citizens, and the removal of criminals supersedes the violation of privacy that this may pose.

  9. nataliebenedict

    Facial recognition is a huge step towards many big things in the U.S. Allowing the government to use facial recognition could possibly prevent and solve so many crimes that occur in this country. Although, I could see how this could be an invasion of privacy on Americans, the government already invades our privacy through phone calls and cameras anyway. If we are okay with the government listening to our phone calls to prevent terrorist attacks what’s so wrong with facial recognition to further protect Americans. Therefore, having facial recognition in America could really benefit us and lower crime rates as a result.

    1. taylorjacobs1

      I completely agree with your statement, facial recognition is a big step to many new, big, and things in the United States. I also like how you mentioned that the government has access to things that people deem “private.” It goes to show how the government can use facial recognition to further protect Americans.

    2. lauranholland

      I agree with your statement. I like how your reasoning really tells us how the government using facial recognition benefits us and also lower the crime rates.

  10. taylorjacobs1

    Facial recognition can be looked at from many different perspectives especially regarding infringing on people’s privacy. Facial recognition provides a sense of security and ultimately will help protect people and ensure safety. The government already has so much access, for example, to our phone calls and emails. They do this for the safety of our country and national security. Facial recognition could potentially benefit people of law enforcement, by helping them identify people who have committed crimes. The benefits of facial recognition definitely outweigh the negative side, as it is a topic of national security and safety for the citizens.

    1. lauranholland

      I agree with your statement. I like how you talked about how facial recognition provides a sense of security and protecting the people. Your reasoning to follow after and explaining the safety well said.

  11. ellapfaffl

    In America, citizens have repeatedly given up certain privileges including aspects of privacy. In the case of facial recognition, there are many things to consider. Although there are dangers such as the government abusing the power, the overall benefits outweigh possible risks. This could be revolutionary in catching harmful criminals and could save lives. Furthermore, it would keep cities safer and could help in cases like domestic terrorism. However, I do agree with others that there needs to be limitations and checks on this power. There are cases of abusing this power in other places around the world, so the U.S. would need to be careful in how much leeway the government gets. This power should only be used for the good of the country and only what’s necessary. To give clarity, the government utilizing facial recognition software isn’t a violation of privacy as long as there are suitable checks in place.

    1. ashvipatelll

      I like how you voiced that there should be limitations with the facial recognition. I agree with everything you said and how the government should not be able to abuse the power of this. Citizens usually give up parts of their privacy knowingly though because they believe that the government will help keep them safe.

    2. evanmetzger

      I really liked your evidence, but I feel like your claim wasn’t clearly outlined in the beginning of your paragraph. I feel that your third sentence should have been your claim to start off your paragraph.

    3. oliviastubenrauch

      I like the point you made that we as Americans continuously give up certain privacy rights for our own protection to reason that facial recognition would not be too far of a reach. I agree that the power should be regulated in some way so that privacy is somewhat kept for the most possible comfort.

    4. anniebiedenbach

      I completely agree with your statement about having limitations to be sure no one abuses this power. I think that this kind of technology can help a lot of people and keep this country safe in ways that our technology just can’t do right now.

  12. carolinesander

    Regarding the topic of facial recognition, this could be good for our country regarding safety and protect our country. Facial recognition could catch criminals, locate them, and possibly prevent them from doing things far worse. A downside to having this however, is that it could be an invasion of privacy to the citizens. The government already has access to our phone calls, text messages and emails, so I’m not sure invasion would be a huge issue. Overall, I feel that this could really benefit our country.

    1. jocelynhopkins

      I agree with your statement that facial recognition can be very beneficial regarding our safety, but it should also be restricted. I like the point you made about how it is an invasion of our privacy and how the government already has access to our personal items.

    2. ginofiorino

      I agree with pretty much everything you said here. I like how you said how the government can already access to our personal texts calls, and emails, showing their is some form of invasion of privacy.

    3. stephaniegriffin

      I agree with your statement that facial recognition can be helpful towards citizens safety. I never thought about how the government could access our privacy, well said.

  13. ashvipatelll

    Facial recognition should be seen as a good thing, it can help identify people who need to be immediately. This can create a safer country as it will assist in catching criminals. I agree that this can be counted as an invasion of privacy but, they can already access our cellphones and computers. Since those companies are selling those facial profiles to our government, it should not be a big concern regarding privacy. If those companies are selling them to different countries governments, then that should be concerning.

    1. jocelynhopkins

      I like how you mentioned that it shouldn’t be a big concern to our privacy if it goes to the government, unless those companies will be selling our information to other countries. I agree with your statement on how facial recognition could benefit our country and make it a safer place.

      1. josiahwarrington

        I agree with you on your reasoning and how it should only be used for good. The government should regulate and have regulations on how it is used and who can use it to protect people from having their pictures sold.

  14. bradycampbell

    Facial recognition would be very important in todays society. I believe that facial recognition can be used in very good ways and should be used all around the world. By using facial recognition we would be able to catch more criminals faster. Some would argue that facial recognition goes against are rights, but I believe that it is a small price to pay to live in a safer country. That is why I think it would be good to use facial recognition.

    1. oliviastubenrauch

      I agree that certain privacy privileges being revoked is worth being a safer society, and that criminal cases would be more quick to handle. I also like that it is noted that facial recognition could be used worldwide.

      1. josiahwarrington

        I agree with you on it being good and that it can make the country safer if we pay the small price of our privacy. We could propose laws that limit what the government can do with this and how it should be used.

        1. josiejacob23

          Brady, I agree with your statement this will improve America for the better. Allowing the use of this database will provide a tremendous benefit, for the small price of privacy. I understand the other argument, but I believe that is more beneficial to the American people to vote for the facial recognition data base, in order to fight rising crime rates.

  15. oliviastubenrauch

    Facial recognition databases would be very helpful in today’s society. Technological advances are giving us all kinds of ways to more quickly get information in law violations and criminal cases. These kinds of services can help to solve problems involving fraud quickly, and create a better response to a threatening environment. Facial recognition would not be overly breaching the privacy of citizens because it has to do with public safety. The government completely allows this kind of “violation” for the betterment of society, which shows that the facial recognition would be safe enough to implement.

    1. rachelduerler

      While I see how the facial recognition databases are a form of public safety, they also could be used incorrectly if placed in the wrong hands. I’m curious how the government would regulate the accuracy of the system and who monitors it.

  16. jocelynhopkins

    Facial recognition databases will benefit and create a safer country. If the government has facial recognition, they would be able to solve crimes in a timely manner and it will also lower the rate of someone being falsely accused if they have their facial recognition. Although, this could also be a invasion of our privacy. This is why I think there should be restrictions on facial recognition. With restrictions, people may feel like they still have privacy and that the government won’t have access to all of their personal information. This is why facial recognition would benefit our country and please the citizens with restrictions.

    1. kassidyseger

      I agree with how you said that there should be restrictions and that this could benefit and create a safer country. That with these restrictions people may feel more protected and don’t feel like theirs rights are being violated. I’d also like to add that making these restrictions should also include protection against the government from abusing its power.

  17. ginofiorino

    Facial recognition databases are very powerful tools that can do a lot of good in our society if they are used in the right or correct way. These databases could help substantially in getting criminals off the streets and into jail, but this could lead to a huge issue involving privacy of people if it is used incorrectly. There must be a way were this tool doesn’t infringe upon citizen’s privacy, while still doing its job.

  18. anniebiedenbach

    Facial Recognition can be a very useful tool if used correctly but if not used correctly is could be potentially dangerous. These databases could greatly benefit our country by further protecting it’s citizens by solving crimes faster and catching dangerous criminals. If this kind of technology is used in the US there would need to be certain restrictions on it to prevent the government from abusing it’s power but if used correctly this would not be an invasion of privacy as long as it is used for the good of the nation and not just for one individuals gain.

    1. lucasmiller

      I agree that these restrictions on the government should be in place to prevent the possible exploitation of these databases. It could potentially be very bad if one of these databases were to fall into the wrong hands, and the restrictions can be there to make sure no one even has the chance to exploit them.

  19. kassidyseger

    Facial Recognition could be a useful tool in catching criminals, but I think that there could be other ways developed in doing so. If not used correctly, it could be potentially dangerous to everyone and the government may abuse the power of it. This violates the privacy of citizens and goes against our right to a democracy. If there was a way to use this tool that does violate the rights of citizens and doesn’t presume potentially dangerous, then that would bring more comfort to people.

    1. bradycampbell

      I agree that Facial Recognition can be useful. I don’t agree though that there could be something like Facial Recognition. I believe this because Facial Recognition is a very unique system and I don’t know how much you could change it.

  20. lauranholland

    Facial Recognition is a tool that can be used in a good way or also could be used in a bad way too. The use of facial recognition in a good way could be used for catching criminals and also if facial recognition is needed in solving a crime they can. Some may think that facial recognition is a way for the government going against their rights. An argument for that could be how the government is really just protecting us and trying to keep us safe. Therefore, having facial recognition is something that is very beneficial for us and also very beneficial for crime rates decreasing instead of increasing.

  21. erinheyob

    Facial recognition is a highly debated topic around the world. Facial recognition while on one hand is good for security reasons but on the other hand it is also invasive of citizens privacy because the government could use it against you without your knowledge. I think that regarding criminals facial recognition is a good thing because it helps to catch murders and other bad people. But their are things like plastic surgery to help criminals get past this, so facial recognition is not foolproof. Also what happens if your twin is a criminal? Would the government think it was you and have your life under constant surveillance because they can’t tell you and your twin apart?

    1. rachelduerler

      You made a good point about how a criminal could easily change their appearance in order to not be caught. I wonder if the face recognition would constantly be changing with your appearance, or if it would to be updated every few years like a driver’s license.

    2. cheyennegreen10

      I completely agree with the idea that facial recognition can be an invasion of citizens privacy. It was very eye-opening when you brought up the point that the government could be using facial recognition against us without your knowledge.

  22. erinheyob

    I like Annie Biedenbach’s idea of having facial recognition in order to catch criminals but also have restrictions on facial recognition that limit what the government an do with it. Placing restrictions would not only limit what the government could use it for but it would also limit the amount of invasion of privacy that was happening in our country.

  23. josiahwarrington

    Facial recognition can be used in many great ways. It can help catch criminals and can put safety measures on things like your phone and safes. It would be a helpful tool for the government to catch terrorists but that is what it should only be used for. The government should also regulate who can use it and what for.

    1. carsonlobenstein

      This shows the great ways that Facial Recognition is and it should be heavily regulated. but the ways of how criminals can get the information and weaponize against innocent men and women heavily out way the positives shown above. I believe we should wait a couple more years for the agencies to fully figure out how to protect it and use it correctly before using it regularly.

    2. brandoncampbell2

      I agree with your statement on this issue. Including catching terrorists, facial recognition databases could also be used to catch people trying to commit identity theft. All they have to do is scan the person in question’s face and see if the identity is stolen or not.

    3. justinhorn

      I like your idea that the government can use the system correctly and properly regulate who has access and what it can be used for, however this has not how similar programs have been used. The Patriot Act has been revealed to be used to steal people’s private photos instead of catching terrorists. If the federal government is unable to regulate themselves, then what could happen to states’ companies that have collected information?

  24. rachelduerler

    Facial recognition databases have the potential to be beneficial in our society, but it can also pose a threat to safety. If the government decides to use facial recognition as a way to find people who committed a crime, innocent people could be at risk. There are people who are completely unrelated, yet look almost identical. If a criminal was mixed up with someone innocent, that could be dangerous.

  25. rachelduerler

    I also think that facial recognition databases would be expensive to implement. I wonder where the money would come from, if it would be a part of taxes, or funding from wealthy donors.

  26. cheyennegreen10

    Facial recognition database dialogue used by federal, local and state agencies can be a helpful but dangerous tool at the same time. Facial recognition is used often in many people’s daily lives and most aren’t even aware. It has been a helpful tool in my life by making it more simple to unlock my phone, it helps find missing people, and it can strengthen security. Some dangers of facial recognition are that it violates personal rights, provides opportunities for fraud, and innocent people could be falsely charged. In summary, I believe that facial recognition has more dangers than benefits and can be a violation of your privacy.

  27. stephaniegriffin

    Facial recognition database dialogue used by federal, local and state agencies can be dangerous however helpful at the same time. Facial recognition software is used in peoples everyday lives, whether it’s by using face id to unlock a phone, or if you were to get pulled over and they check your drives license. Facial recognition can be used to catch criminals however it could be used to weaponize innocent people. In conclusion, I believe that facial recognition software has more benefits than dangers.

    1. carsonlobenstein

      I Mostly agree with your statement, except for that the benefits out way the danger. i believe that the danger of the weaponization of innocent people makes facial recognition more dangerous until the agencies can make it safer and less likely for people to get our facial recognition information.

    2. christinasimendinger

      I agree with your reasoning completely. I think it is important that people do realize that we do already use face id for our phones and other software and that it would help the economy more. However, it’s dangers as you said and can be used to invade privacy.

  28. abbypettinger

    Stephanie, I mostly agree with your statement. I agree with you that facial recognition is helpful in our everyday lives and can help in criminal situations but, when I read your paragraph I see mostly negatives so I don’t understand how you came to the conclusion of facial software having more benefits than dangers. I would probably put some more positives in your statement or conclude with facial recognition being more dangerous the benficial.

  29. carsonlobenstein

    Facial recognition is very powerful, but if left “loose” of regulation it can become dangerous. Facial recognition needs to have a lot of control on who can use it and when it can be used. Facial Recognition should be optional now until more time and money has gone into it to make sure the public is safe with that information in the governments hand. Its unaware of what the information of facial recognition and what a hacker could do if he got his hands on it. once all that is realized than facial recognition should become more popularly used.

    1. brandoncampbell2

      I agree with you stance on this issue. If facial recognition is put into the wrong hands, who knows what they could do with it. As long as facial recognition is in the right hands, it should be legal to use.

    2. justinhorn

      I like your concept of making the recognition optional, however the process is inherently not optional as it is used to identify people through simply being caught in a camera while having a drivers license. Also anyone who would need to be recognized by the government would most likely be criminals and they would obviously just refuse to be put into the recognition system if it was optional.

  30. brandoncampbell2

    Facial recognition can be a very powerful tool that gives the government important information. Because of this important information, the government should be able to use facial recognition databases. Some people may argue that facial recognition databases would be a violation to our privacy and threaten our safety, but, if there are strict regulations on who can use this database, it will improve the safety of America. The safety will improve by making it more difficult to commit identity theft. For example, if a police officer suspects that someone is using a stolen driver’s license, the officer can simply run that person through the database to find out if it is stolen or not. That is why facial recognition databases should be legal.

    1. josiejacob23

      Brandon, I agree with your statement this will improve America for the better. The facial recognition database will help lower the crime rate in America, by making it easier to track down criminals. I know that a good amount of privacy must be given, and a tremendous amount of trust must be handed over to the government from the American people. In the long run the database will provide more of a benefit than a negative outcome, and should be legal.

  31. lucasmiller

    I think that, while facial recognition software could be very beneficial to find criminals, it would be incredibly easy to take advantage of and could be a slippery slope. This database could get hacked, and then the hacker would have an index of potentially every single person in the United States. They could use this information for many, many purposes, ddosing, ransoming, and selling data to the highest bidder. Companies already try to sell personal data to anyone they can, but this facial recognition software could ramp up this practice even more, since the companies will have even more incentive to find out as much as they possibly can about individuals. While this facial recognition could greatly assist law enforcement with finding criminals, it just has too many ways that it could be exploited or used for the wrong purposes. It is just too much of a risk.

    1. justinhorn

      I agree that the data could be too much of a risk. We already experience constant data leaks in the world today like passwords, credit card or banking credentials, and even SSN. Adding people’s facial recognition to that list is too much of a concern.

  32. josiejacob23

    Facial recognition software has begun to integrate itself into society already in some states. The question that has been wondering in the minds of many citizens in the United States is their privacy and safety due to this new technology. The idea of facial recognition would only be accessible by trained professionals who are hired to find criminals. This information would not be accessible to the public. The database would provide the professionals with the information they need to catch criminals is extremely efficient and should be integrated into society. Although all crime would not be eliminated, the number of criminals who are not charged would be tremendously lower. This tool is very advanced and extremely helpful to keep the streets safer, but the question is how much privacy the American people are willing to give up. During American Revolutionary War, the patriot act was created, which allowed the government to listen in to phone calls and look through individuals’ phones to find terrorists. Therefore, citizens have already given up a good amount of their privacy so this might be pushing the barrier to much.

  33. jacksongiglio

    Being able to use facial recognition will prove to be a big asset that the government could use for control purposes. However, if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could be detrimental for the safety of our public. I can see both sides of this technology being good and bad. We could test to see the restrictions that can help control the data breaks that could happen. But, it would be a cool feature that could help us in the future.

  34. justinhorn

    Being able to facially recognize individuals and use that as a means of criminal justice is an extremely powerful tool. Our modern world is full of cameras that can easily identify people, especially with facial recognition software. I however believe that the exploitation of our modern technological advancements as a means of government oversight at the dispense of personal privacy is dangerous and should not be acted upon. Intruding in civilian’s privacy is against their civil liberties and what separates us from strongly authoritarian governments.

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