February 20

Facial Recognition Database Dialogue

Depending on where you live in the United States this has already started to happen, but I’ll pose the question for you. Should federal, local and state agencies create facial recognition databases? In some states companies have scanned state driver’s licenses photos to create facial recognition databases and have attempted to sell those databases to federal, local and state police enforcement agencies. What are your thoughts on this? Is this a violation of your privacy or is this a good that promotes safety in our society?

February 20

High Stakes Testing Dialogue

In 2008, during one of the most serious economic recessions, with unemployment rate of almost 12% at one time, many technical, financial and key corporate business in America couldn’t find employees. And the reason? The American college graduate lacked the skills necessary to compete and get those jobs, so those businesses had to hire people from outside the U.S. That, kids, is one of the reasons, why you take AIR tests and MAP and all that.

Many technocrats and educational gurus and politicians got together and created the beginning of the Common Core curriculum (think plan of education, what you the student should learn). Critical thinking and critical reading is key to the Common Core. One of the other main tenets of this education curriculum is accountability, both of the teacher and student. So end of course exams, AIR tests, PARC and all sorts of testing became a part of your daily school lives. In most American school districts, these tests are high stakes, meaning your class promotion or high school graduation is tied to these tests.

Should we keep/revise/ or get rid of high stakes testing in American schools? You may also want to think about these questions:

What is the role of education? Should we teach critical thinking and critical reading? How do we address the fact that most American students do poorly when compared to their global counterparts? (See me for the research on this.) Should students be accountable for their education? Should teachers be accountable for their students’ education? How do we ensure acountability? AND hey, economics started this “revolution” in education, so consider the economic implications of whatever you propose as a solution to high stakes testing.

February 20

Mandatory Military Service (or community)

I use to show this movie in my American Government class, Lions for Lambs–a great cerebral movie–and in it the two main characters argue that American citizens should have mandatory military service. In many ways they propose this community service as a panacea to many American social and economic problems. Should we have mandatory military/community service as a requirement for all American citizens? In the movie this community service would start after high school, but you can alter this to fit your argument. For the record conscription ended after the Vietnam War, so all American males no longer have to serve in the military. Military service is voluntary in the United States.

If you are interested in watching Lions for Lambs, let me know. It would require a permission slip because it is rated R for violence, military violence, obviously.

February 20

Free College Public Education Dialogue

A growing idea on the progressive side of the Democrats is the idea that college education should be free. In some European countries (google it, I don’t know offhand) college education is free, but not in the United States. Should college education be public and free to all American citizens? You can qualify this answer if you see fit, for instance, I was talking to another teacher and he said, yes, it should be free, but it should only be free if you have a certain grade point and it could only be a two year program and then he gave me his reasons for these qualifications.

Think deeper for this one. What is the role of education in our society? Is the role of college education different from elementary and secondary education? This goes to the crux of the argument, right? Also think deep about public. What goods and services are public (thus free) in the United States? Why are those goods and services public? For instance, why is your education right now free? Our roads and highways are free for all in the community to use, what else is free/public? Does college education fit the criteria to be a public good and service?

February 20

Teen Mental Health and Mental Health Issues Dialogue

We have established that teen mental health is an issue in our society.* How should schools or the government address these issues? Maybe churches or social institutions should become involved. What are some ways that we can promote mental health awareness in our schools and communities? You may include possible solutions to mental health awareness for the general public. Check the stats out for school shootings and the connections to mental health–no correlation is not causation–however, mental health for all American citizens is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Also don’t kid yourself, economics is a key factor in any societal issue. So yeah consider the costs.



*I am working on the premise that the common good of society is dependent on mentally healthy individuals working functionally in society, so if you don’t believe that then this not the blog for you. So, no trolls.

February 20

Cancel culture…a good thing or a bad thing?

Cancel culture has recently entered into American lexicon (means vocabulary). Cancel culture is a usually viral phenomenon and serves to “shame” celebrities or politicians and sometimes regular people for actions the “majority” of people (on that social media platform) feel are “wrong.” What are your thoughts on cancel culture? Is it a advantageous for our society or is it detrimental to our society? Is cancel culture the will of the majority or is it peer pressure gone wrong? Is cancel culture “tyranny of the majority” or is it empowering to the minority? Deep, yo.


Writing Move: I want to point out that in my title I used the word “thing.” For the most part your writing should AVOID generic words like “things” and “good” and “bad” and “great.” Use clear and specific word choice ALWAYS. I used “a good thing” or a “bad thing” because, because why…this is a great author purpose question or language craft and structure question. I used the word choice “a good thing or a bad thing” because it’s a colloquialism that is popular in our culture right now, plus it’s sounds very simplistic in it’s tone, but the actual topic is quite deep. So I created a bit of juxtaposition as well. Examining why and how we write is examining the writing moves a writer makes for a purpose and I want you to start looking for them in your writing and mine…I’ll try to be your mentor writer. 🙂



February 20

Socratic Dialogue and why we blog

I believe that we learn through dialogue. No, it’s not because I like to talk, although I’m sure that’s part of it. I believe we learn through dialogue, because of my love of philosophy and my admiration of Socrates. Socrates believed you learned through dialogue and that’s how he taught. If you want to check the reasons out and see the Socratic Method in action watch the below video clip. It’s like nine minutes long, so you will need grit and resilience to get through, oh yes, and logic. You will have to use the side of your brain that relies on LOGIC…check it out here: https://youtu.be/vyt-62JsZjw 

If you remember our discussion on truth (what is truth?), then you may make some connections to how I teach or try to teach. I am no Socrates, but I do know what I don’t know.

You are going to have some dialogue on several controversial topics over the next few weeks. A dialogue and a debate are not the same thing. The purpose of this activity is not being right, if you approach this dialogue that way, you have missed everything that a Socratic dialogue is about. If you leave with serious uncertainty about your convictions, then you are on the right path. Basically, if you are “doing this right,” you will experience cognitive dissonance. Forgot what cognitive dissonance is?

No worries: https://youtu.be/FT8eIAMLbo4


Oh and yes, I’m also trying to help you become “grittier”…cuz research. Check out this video to remind yourself what grit is: https://youtu.be/vyt-62JsZjw

Your blogging will be assessed on your participation/effort and the quality of your argument. So please avoid the logical fallacies and cognitive biases; I have posters in my room that you can check out too.

Thanks for your passion and perseverance!